Playtest 1: Loki, Palindrome, and Anansi reworks!

Hello, Lancers!
A quick update from the eggheads at R&D (Just me in my GM cap) regarding the Loki and Anansi frames, which are seeing some changes as I finally get them into their own niches (the hacker that wants to GET you and "oh fuck the sniper's got portals now" respectively). Since this one was just the result from a oneshot I ran (which you can see in the Field Guide to Umbra homebrew thread on Pilot.Net), I'll just give the update list! This is by no means exhaustive but should explain a bit about where the frames are going.

Seeing is Deceiving, operatives.
- Foxscribe


Playtest update:

- Removed Disengaged Servo Safety, added BROKKR Smart Chaff launchers 
Reason: The frame was bleeding itself to death with heat, and had no survivability measures. Brokkr is the cover-generating solution to go in between you and the sap trying to kill you.

- Attempts at clarifying/narrowing down Loki's role, Sprig now deals 5 Kinetic 
Reason: Loki was the first frame I made and the one I really never had a good role for besides some make-believe shit in my head. Now it just wants to *stab* you. Have fun giving this thing Osiris!

- Added new weapon mount
Reason: Now it doesn't lose all function due to a single lucky sniper shot.

# Palindrome

- Now just focuses one enemy, hitting at end of turn.
Reason: wasn't doing what I wanted, sort of an awkward control measure against the GM that disincentivized ever using the weapon normally at all.

# Blackout
- Costs heat now
Reason: too good for no cost activation

# Anansi

- Removed Osebo Precision Directed Coilgun, now Osebo Helical Railgun, completely new effect
Reason: didn't integrate at all with the rest of the build.

- Nyame now sensor range, lock on can be cancelled by systems save.
Reason: too similar to markerlight and too good for the cost. Now more spotty, so go gambling!

- Mmoboro does not chain forever. Only once. 
Reason: Whoa gods the arc thrower exists and I forgot.

- Onini's smart thing is the only part that costs heat now, no SP cost.
Reason: Too many SP cost weapons and it's basically a vulture with extra steps. 

- Mmoatia now has no limit to number of uses per scene, just 1/round
Reason: *3 gd SP cost*

- Updated Lore
Reason: I felt like it 

- Minor changes to the Storm Autocannon
Reason: oof ouch 1d6+4 had to have a cost somewhere.

Get Field Guide to Umbra

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